
Aumente el rendimiento de su inversión

Los esfuerzos de conservación de pavimentos pueden proporcionar un rendimiento de inversión superior, especialmente cuando el mantenimiento se realiza en el momento adecuado — los equipos Bergkamp hacen que su rendimiento de la inversión sea incluso mayor permitiéndole lograr mejores resultados más rápido que con otros métodos menos eficientes.

Bergkamp Return on Investment Graphic

Boost your ROI

Pavement preservation efforts can provide a superior return on investment, especially when the maintenance is performed at the right time. Bergkamp equipment makes your ROI even stronger by allowing you to achieve better results faster than other less efficient methods.


How can we increase our return on our investment?
What does EMCADS do for the customer?
What is the difference between and M210 and an M310 Truck Mounted Paver?
What happens when my Paver needs serviced?
How do I get started with slurry seal and micro surfacing?

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The EMCAD System Adds to the Bottom Line

EMCADS stands for Electronic Mix Control and Diagnostic System. EMCADS controls the mix by providing an electronic link between the aggregate delivery belt and all other mix materials (emulsion, mineral filler, water and additive) that monitors and adjusts systems to keep the mixture in the desired design.

Bergkamp’s EMCAD System helps manage material costs, and provides owners the information needed to calculate profits more accurately. The system simplifies calibration—reducing the amount of time it takes to prepare the paver. And since there are no graphs to read, less experienced operators can also perform this function.

When paving, the production rate can be adjusted with one dial, making it more efficient and reducing material waste. The amount of material being used is monitored throughout the day, and can be printed to help calculate material costs for each part of the job, or the entire job.

The end result is a more efficient and cost-effective slurry seal and micro surfacing paving crew. Give us a call today to see how the M310 or M1E can increase the earning potential of your operation with the EMCAD System.

Testimonios de Clientes y Estudios de Caso

marzo 23, 2017

Dan Welsh with Viking Construction was quoted for an article about adopting new construction technology as saying, "As we did our research, we decided the Bergkamp M1E was the obvious choice for a sta...